Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Hi RJ, Not sure what you mean, but most of these emoticons do work in chat — down to the squint icon. Emoticons and online message interpretation. Scientific research about emoticons and emoji is also increasing. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 2, 1— We also found significant correlations between the evaluative dimensions e.

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

😍 Emoji Meanings - 😉 List of all WhatsApp and Facebook Smileys 💯🙈👋😱

What is your job title? Pain, 78, 27— Emoticons include representations of facial expressions, typically sideways [Western style; e. This is particularly relevant because it allows researchers to assess the extent to which the intended meaning overlaps with the meaning attributed by users, and more importantly because our findings show this is not always the case. This was also the case of the present research, in which ratings were obtained by presenting the stimuli in isolation.

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

Facebook emoticons list meanings

meanings list Facebook emoticons